My mind is racing and my heart's pounding.
Restless as restless as I can be.
I am in the brink of crossing borders, I am in the tip of a never-ending spire.
I am walking in the dark, trying to feel every corner, trying to have a grasp of the world I am currently traversing.
Feeling that piercing pang of angst linger over my sore soul.
Licking every droplet of sour mien with utmost reluctance, living it with divine annoyance.
I am to move away from my comfort zone, forging into a new horizon.
Restless as restless as I can be.
I am in the brink of crossing borders, I am in the tip of a never-ending spire.
I am walking in the dark, trying to feel every corner, trying to have a grasp of the world I am currently traversing.
Feeling that piercing pang of angst linger over my sore soul.
Licking every droplet of sour mien with utmost reluctance, living it with divine annoyance.
I am to move away from my comfort zone, forging into a new horizon.